Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Three Isms of Perversion

Scientism, Philosophism and Religionism

Bacon, Freemasons, Shakespeare, Illuminati, and King James

Some Christians have been hoodwinked to believe that it is possible that Francis Bacon manipulated the chapters of the King James Version to have patterns and codes of three (3) and thirty-three (33) but a simple comparison to early English versions such as Geneva bible will proved this to be an expression of ignorance and stupidity.

The Geneva bible and the King James Bible have exact number of chapters for each sixty-six (66 = 33 + 33 or 3 x 22) books of the Bible with the total of 1189 chapters where the middle chapter is Psalms 117 with the following internal designs:

297 = 3 x 3 x 33
297 = 3 x 3 x 33
    1 = Psalms 117
297 = 3 x 3 x 33
297 = 3 x 3 x 33

Remember these obvious facts: logic did not originate with Aristotle, mathematics did not arise from Pythagoras, the shape of pyramid is not a property of Egyptians, the pattern of Cross is not a property of Roman Catholics, stars are not properties of New Agers, the shape of triangle and number 33 are not properties of Freemasons, number 7 and Sabbath are not properties of Seventh-day Adventists, the name "Jehovah" is not a property of Jehovah Witnesses, the words "Church of Christ" are not properties of Iglesia ni Cristo, the word "mystic" is not a property of Mystics, the pattern of hexagram is not a property of Israel, the shape of cube is not a property of Muslims, etc.

Many meaningful words, numbers and symbols have been adapted and perverted by cults, occults or secret societies, etc.  If these are counterfeits, there must be an original and genuine use of words, numbers and symbols.

To know the true and real reasons why there are patterns and codes of 3 and 33 in the King James Bible, visit the following websites: