Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Perfect Mathematical Structure of the King James Bible


Unlocking the Unsearchable Riches of Christ in the Bible

The Bible Formula was discovered by a Filipino Christian, Periander A. Esplana. The formula (1Jn.5:7 = Gen.1:1 + Rev.22:21) is considered the ultimate representation of everything or formula of all things and is referred to as the true God equation.

Many evangelical Christians often wonder how Periander Esplana discovered the Bible Formula. The simple answer is that it was an answer to prayer. At the age of nine (9) in 1983, he began learning the Greek language. By seventeen (17) in 1991, he delved into the Hebrew and Greek Numerics of Dr. Ivan Panin and Dr. Ethelbert W. Bullinger. Additionally, he studied the King James Bible Numerics of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. Over six (6) years, he fervently prayed to God, invoking the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, asking to be shown a miraculous mathematical phenomenon in the Bible.

Then, suddenly, at the age of twenty-three (23) in 1997, while opening the King James Bible, an idea prompted by the Holy Spirit led him to count the words, letters, vowels, and consonants of the first verse, last verse, and central Trinitarian verse. The interconnection of these elements instantly revealed the Bible Formula. To God be the glory!

The Formula is the ultimate synthesis of science, philosophy and religion.  Periander Esplana is the original discoverer of the Formula but he did not want to call it   "The Esplana Formula" that is why he named it THE BIBLE FORMULA.  To God be the glory!

Dr. Peter S. Ruckman published the Formula twice in his Bible Believers’ Bulletin.  In BIBLE BELIEVERS' BULLETIN, Vol.29, No.5, May 2005 he wrote the following in pages 8 and 14: "Periander A. Esplana discovered this 'formula,' and it was published on the internet in A.D. 2000. It has been common knowledge since then—for FIVE YEARS. In those five years not one 'Scholarship Only' fanatic has dared even to discuss the matter. Like the 'Mythological Septuagint,' fifty seminaries, Bible institutes, colleges, and universities (with the Revision Committees of the RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, and NIV) have remained as mute and as dumb about the matter as a dead skunk. They should; it 'becomes' them. God Almighty wrote that Book just to make them look like what they are: cloned robots, all programmed by the same....  And I say that with 'charity,' of course!"

In BIBLE BELIEVERS' BULLETIN, Vol.33, No.6, (Pensacola: Bible Baptist Church, June, 2009), p.13 Dr. Ruckman wrote the following: “Now, do you want a bomb to put in your pocket to shut the mouths of these stupid idiots who deny the four Scriptural truths written in ‘the scripture of truth’ (Dan. 10:21). Well, here it is; it is delivered by a Filipino Christian who came out of Manila. This is Periander Aban Esplana, who was 35 years old when he wrote it. His work is called ‘The Bible Formula.’ You can get it from Daet, Camarines Norte 4600, Philippines. Bro. Esplana’s AV 1611 ‘Mathematical Formula’ turns out to be another one of several hundred ‘advanced revelations’ that were totally missed by A. T. Robertson, Kenneth Wuest, J. Vernon McGee, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Charles Stanley, Tim LaHaye, Charles Hodge, Stewart Custer, Harold Willmington, Robert Sumner, Bob Ross, Donald Waite, James White, C. S. Lewis, Spiros Zodhiates, Kurt Aland, Bruce Metzger, J. R. Dummelow, Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, Adam Clarke, Campus Crusade, Youth for Christ, the 700 Club, the PTL Club, the last six Popes, Erwin Nestle, Tischendorf, Trench, Thayer, Kittle, Gesenius, Delitzsch, and twenty theological Seminaries.”

The Bible Formula was also introduced by Pastor Rodelio Mallari in a Philippine Baptist conference, which is why it propagated or disseminated throughout the country. The source or authority of Pastor Mallari regarding the Formula can be found in his article written for the KJV Asia website:

It was taken from Periander Esplana's forthcoming book entitled “AV1611 Arithmographica” announced on Esplana's Biblemathematics website in 1999.  The Bible Formula was already explained by Esplana in detail there, and Pastor Mallari merely adapted it in the year 2007.

Dr. Gail A. Riplinger published the Bible Formula in the conclusion of her book “Hazardous Materials: Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers, the Voice of Strangers, the Men Behind the Smokescreen, Burning Bibles Word by Word."  

In Chapter 31 - "Seven Infallible Proofs of the King James Bible's Inspiration", pp.1181-1184, she wrote the following: “No doubt myriads of miraculous phenomenon can be observed by someone who will pause and pray. Jesus said that ‘if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God’ (John 11:40). For example, the word ‘sin’ occurs 447 times in the King James Bible. The word ‘blood’ occurs 477 times in the King James Bible. God’s math is perfect because ‘without shedding of blood is no remission’ of sin (Heb. 9:22).  The following miraculous phenomenon was discovered some years ago by Periander A. Esplana, a Christian from Camarines Norte, Philippines. It may be, perhaps, God’s way of confounding ‘the wise and prudent,’ who suggest that the Trinity of 1 John 5:7 does not belong in the Bible. From the following we can draw no other conclusions than that the Holy Bible, even in one of its many forms, reveals the glory of God.  There are no books in the world, let alone other English Bible versions, or do-it-yourself translations from Greek and Hebrew lexicons (done by bible schools students), that will exhibit this.”