Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Periander Esplana's Review of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman's book entitled "God Is Love"

Let me tell you at the outset that this is the greatest book ever written in this century about love.  There is no exaggeration in the above statement, just read it from cover to cover to believe it.

Its central thesis is that the essence of God's love can be found only in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross when He suffered and died for our sins to save us from condemnation and hell.

This is the book that really explained the true meaning of "God is Love."  It is beautifully concise because it has only five chapters but the scope is astounding.  It discussed literally everything about love and the meaning of love itself.

 Here are the five chapters of the book:
1.  The Missing Note
2.  How Can God be a God of "Love"?
3.  What Is This Thing Called Love?
4.  The Kiss of Death
5.  Speaking the Truth in Love

This book is full of definitions of love.  In the third chapter alone, it gives over one-hundred usages of the world "love" in the Bible.   And in the different chapters of this book, the sub-title aptly described what this book actually discussed to the point: "A Biblical Study of the Term 'Love' as it is Related to Other Religions, Ancient History, Contemporary American Society, the Modern Christian, and the Christian Ministry." 

You'll see that it is not a common book on the market that you can easily dismissed.  It is indeed hard to put down.  I even tried to read it in just one sitting but  it took me three days to finish it because of its in-depth content even though the language he used is so lucid, very contemporary and understandable.

Dr. Ruckman is known throughout the world because of his die-hard, polemic defense of the "ancient" King James Bible (A.V.1611).  Ironically, he always defended it in ALL his writings and preachings with his "post-postmodern" style.

Let me give you just five quotations taken from each of the five chapters of the book "God is Love:"

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"If LOVE 'solves all problems' - and so say several million of the world's inhabitants - and LOVE is 'a more excellent way' (see 1 Cor.12:31, 13:13), how are Jews, Catholics, Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, and Greek Orthodox 'priests' going to stop killing each other when the men they got their deepest religious convictions from didn't love them and they don't love the authors of those 'faiths'?
If all you love is simply a religion - 'I've got my church, you've yours... don't knock my faith,' etc., then your religion has no relation to GOD; at least not any God who is said to be 'love' (1 John 4:6, 'God is love').  [p.20]

"All religions are simply systems for justifying self.  The more elaborate they are, the more of self is in them.  A religion is founded so the sinner doesn't have to deal with his Maker.  We call this gimmick 'The Fig Leaf Factor.'  Adam originated it (Gen.3:6-9).  It is inherited and passed on from generation to generation.  Another name for this device is 'Cain's Fruitstand' (Gen.4:2-6).  You cover up your sins with your good works.  The truth is, 'love,' in the Bible, is never disconnected from a sin-hating God who is 'HOLY': sinless." [p.36]

"If the Bible is what it professes to be - absolute, inerrant truth, coming from the One who created man - the key to 'love' (real love) will be found not only at the beginning of the Book (see p.53-54), but also at the end of the Book.  So, completely unlike Sutras, Vedas, Shastas, Koran, Analects, and Puranas (and all of the other man-made 'scriptures'), the Book closes with these words: 'As many as I LOVE, I rebuke and chasten' (Rev.3:19).  That is the last mention of the word 'love' in the Holy Bible.  It finishes the background for the word and frames the subject of 'love' so that SUFFERING and DEATH become part of the scenery.  They both were 'latent in the equation' when it was first mentioned in Genesis 22:2.  And this is what 'modern man' will not tolerate."  [p.65]

"The Book 'stands' whether your children live or die.  None of them are as important as the Book (Matt.24:35); not even the UNIVERSE is that important (2 Pet.3:8-16; Matt.24:35).  If you are 'one with the universe,' your 'future' is a blackened marshmallow."  [p.92]

"Dear Reader!!  You haven't been able to really understand one line that I have written since I quoted 'our God is a consuming fire' (p.33), if you haven't been to Calvary and seen your true condition there.
Life 'begins' with Jesus Christ (1 John 5:10-13), and it is everlasting life (John 5:24), going beyond the grave into eternity (Rom.8:28-30), because it is based on an eternal God's LOVE for sinners - like YOU.

'GOD IS LOVE.'" [p.129]

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God it?  It is so amazing, Isn't it?  That's why I highly recommend this book to all who are tired of hearing the words "God is love" from preachers, religionists, New Agers, Eastern Masters, Internet gurus, Globalists, Humanists, neo-pagans, etc.  They don't know what they are talking about simply because they are totally ignorant of who GOD is and what LOVE is.

This book clearly show, beautifully explained, passionately exhibited, and courageously discussed what the WORLD doesn't know about love and what God Himself revealed by His love.


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